BORN2BE Records is a talent development movement specialising in harnessing young potential within modern music of black origin. Standing to make a permanent positive impact on the music industry for the benefit of young undiscovered talent in Bristol.
BORN2BE Records is set to act as a developmental pipeline, where young people can be nurtured, upskilled, and empowered to reach their potential within the music industry. This will be supported by providing young talent with meaningful music industry skills, exposure, and work opportunities – furthering the careers of aspiring young people within the area.
This may be seen as a risk to some, but the impact that has been set out to achieve has made the executives’ feel proud to be part of something so ground-breaking. The Senior Executives, Darren Alexander, and Cherelle Grant, and the Youth Executives, Trevon Layne and Delocx (Devonta Ngozi), have been using the best of 2020 to build this fantastic record label, which is now launching on the 30th of March 2021! Creating an opportunity for young people to explore different prospects within the music industry in a realistic, but challenging setting.
Speaking with Darren Alexander, he explains; “I look forward to seeing young people grow through the label, especially in their self-belief. I feel self-belief is one of the crucial factors within the industry and can be the key to achieving success.” Alexander was formally a successful music producer and is now co-founder and Managing Director of youth organisation, Aspiration Creation Elevation.
The influence Alexander wants to have on the music industry is to forge a bigger market opportunity for those interested in modern music of black origin within the community – which is exactly where this amazing opportunity is heading!
Cherelle Grant is enthusiastic about the label; which she believes is missing from the city. Working with the youth executives makes her feel as though the new record label is going to be something great, due to their amazing skills and concepts that have been brought to the table. Grant is an experienced expert in events and marketing and is also a co-founder of the youth organisation, Aspiration Creation Elevation.
When asking Grant what she deems this opportunity will bring to the community, she expresses; “I believe it will bring just that, opportunity. It is very easy to see what being a successful artist looks like, however, it is much harder to see the work they have to put in and the people that helped them to achieve success.” She continues, “I’m looking forward to helping to develop the next generation of music industry professionals.”
BORN2BE aims to bring the chance for many talented young people in the South West to hone their skills and become an icon within the music industry. Trevon Layne is a recording artist and an emerging young entrepreneur. He states; “I feel excited for the opportunity it will bring our community, eager to grow my knowledge of the music industry and put the skills I already have to good use. I am excited to achieve success alongside the team and grateful to have been given the opportunity to contribute towards.”
“I intend for the label to become the UK’s leading music development hub and to be a beacon of excellence for music in the South West!”
Delocx (Devonta Ngozi), is a recording artist and is currently active within the events scene; emerging as a young entrepreneur. He explains, “I believe this opportunity will bring more like-minded people together who otherwise might not have met or even worked together. It’s also going to increase the calibre of musical professionals that come out of the city by offering a professional environment for development. Forcing people to improve before they even set foot through the door due to the competitive nature that a record label brings to the culture.”
His intentions for the label are to be the foundation between the larger UK music industry and Bristol artists, later to extend the relationship to other parts of the world. To prioritise teamwork and understand that if one succeeds, then the whole team succeeds. Delocx believes that the best way for all to succeed is to support and love one another unconditionally.
“The emotions I feel whenever I think about BORN2BE are purely positive. Mainly excitement, I can’t wait to achieve all the goals we have set for the label.”
The directors envision BORN2BE to establish a sustainable model that consistently empowers young people to turn their aspirations into reality. We invite all who share our vision to get behind our movement and join our efforts to ensure young talent can excel and achieve their dream, regardless of their background.

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